Pilonidal Care Clinic

Learn more or make an appointment:
Office Phone: (650) 723-6439
Email: pedsurg@stanfordchildrens.org

Our Care Team

Our multidisciplinary team of pediatric surgeons, nurse practitioners, wound care specialist, and RN’s will provide your child with a complete evaluation and treatment, as well as follow-up plans. Our goal is to provide care that has the least impact on a patient’s life without the need for painful, debilitating operations. To us this means the least pain, fewest days of missed school and the shortest period of exercise restrictions. We also specialize in managing persistently draining and non healing wounds through our standardized protocol and wound care expertise.




Dr. Bill Chiu, MD

Program Director


Advanced Practice Provider


Claire Abrajano, RN, MSN, WOCN, RNFA, CPNP-PC

  • WOCN trained at Emory University Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Education Center.
  • Laser therapy experience with Pelo and Lumenis.

Blaine Robinson, CPNP-AC/PC

  • Dual Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Acute/Primary Care


Daryl DeGuzman, RN

Denise Gutierrez, RN


What is Pilonidal Disease?

Pilonidal disease is a chronic skin infection that occurs when hair follicles in the area between the buttocks become plugged up. Hair or skin debris become lodged in the sinus tract and begin to “pit”. The area subsequently becomes inflamed and tracts are created that can cause a “sinus”. Bacteria can enter the tract causing an infection or abscess. Pits commonly occur near the tailbone due to greater skin friction. Pilonidal disease is relatively common in teens and young adults and affects boys more often than girls. 

Symptoms of Pilonidal Disease:

Pilonidal disease often appears as a lump or swollen area that hurts when pressed with a finger. Pus or blood may or may not be draining from the lump. In some cases, a child may have a lump with some drainage and no pain. If the area becomes infected, the pus will be foul smelling and the area around it may become red and tender. This is typically painful, especially when sitting. Some people may experience a small degree of pain when sitting, while others will be in severe pain.

Pilonidal Disease Treatment

Treatment options for pilonidal disease depend on the severity and individual needs, with a focus on a minimally invasive approach. Our treatment plans begin with improved hygiene and hair removal, which can be regularly managed in the clinic. 

Draining the Pus: Infection may be present, where surgery may be required to drain pus and fluid. Soaking in a warm tub or rinsing the infected area 1-2 times a day is highly recommended.

Removing the "pits" (Gips procedure): Pit picking is when the opening of the sinus tract is removed, allowing for the cavity to be cleaned out to drain the infection and remove any trapped hairs.

Hair Removal: There are multiple methods of hair removal from the area of concern, including shaving, chemical hair removal and laser hair removal.


Clinical Trial

Title: Comparing Operative vs Non Operative Treatment for Pilonidal Disease 


1. Standardized pilonidal protocol as rescue therapy for excision-refractory pilonidal disease

DOI: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39141128/

2. Differences between male and female patients with pilonidal disease. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Open. Chiu B, Abrajano C, Shimada H, Yousefi R, Adams M, Su W, Hui T,  Mueller C, Fuchs J, Dunn J. 2024 Apr

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yjpso.2024.100132

3. A standardized treatment protocol for pilonidal disease can influence the health mindset of adolescents. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery, 409(1):93, C. Mueller, M. Adams, C. Abrajano, R. Yousefi, K. Dalusag, T. Hui, W. Su, J. Fuchs, B. Chiu. 2024 Mar 12 

DOI: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00423-024-03282-3

4. Comorbidities are not associated with pain symptom or recurrence in patients with pilonidal disease. Pediatric Surg Int. Sabapaty A, Salimi-Jazi F, Abrajano C, Yousefi R, Garza D, Dalusag KS, Hui T, Su W, Mueller C, Fuchs J, Chiu B. 2024 Mar 4

DOI: 10.1007/s00383-024-05644-w

5. Using "Appointment Tickets" to Track Visit Duration as a Quality Improvement Initiative After Incorporating Laser Epilation in a Pilonidal Care Clinic. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Abrajano C, Inciong R, Jo S, Garza D, Robinson B, Sclafani S, Navarro K, Chiu B. 2023 Dec 2

DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.11.018

6. Regular epilation alone is an acceptable treatment for symptom-free pilonidal patients. Pediatric Surgery International Adams M, Abrajano C, Dalusag KS, Hui T, Su W, Mueller C, Fuchs J, Chiu B2023 Oct 31

DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05577-w

7. Increasing Amount of Hair Reduction Using Laser Correlates With Lower Probability of Recurrence in Patients With Pilonidal Disease. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Salimi-Jazi, F., Abrajano, C., Yousefi, R., Garza, D., Dalusag, K. S., Sabapaty, A., Rafeeqi, T., Hui, T., Su, W., Mueller, C., Fuchs, J., Chiu, B. 2023 Jul


8. Adoption of a standardized treatment protocol for pilonidal disease leads to low recurrence. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Rafeeqi, T., Abrajano, C., Salimi-Jazi, F., Garza, D., Hartman, E., Hah, K., Wilcox, M., Diyaolu, M., Chao, S., Su, W., Hui, T., Mueller, C., Fuchs, J., Chiu, B. 2023 Mar


9. Burden of pilonidal disease and improvement in quality of life after treatment in adolescents. Pediatric Surgery International Salimi-Jazi, F., Abrajano, C., Garza, D., Rafeeqi, T., Yousefi, R., Hartman, E., Hah, K., Wilcox, M., Diyaolu, M., Chao, S., Su, W., Hui, T., Mueller, C., Fuchs, J., Chiu, B. 2022 Jul 12


Contact Us

For more information about Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford Pilonidal Care Clinic:

Office Phone: (650) 723-6439
Office Email: pedsurg@stanfordchildrens.org

Clinic Locations

Stanford Los Gatos Clinic

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Stanford Los Gatos Clinic

14601 South Bascom Avenue Suite 200
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Get Directions

Phone: (650) 723-6439
Fax: (650) 725-5577 

Pediatric Surgery Clinic

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Pediatric Surgery Clinic

730 Welch Road, 2nd Floor
Palo Alto, CA 94305
Get Directions

Phone: (650) 723-6439
Fax: (650) 725-5577